DIY: How to Build Your Own Terrarium

Terrariums are a lovely way to add a pop of natural colour to your home or office. Learn how to make your own with our easy step-by-step guide.

Terrariums are those beautiful little glass ecosystems that look amazing on any desk, dining room table or well-lit spot. They’re eye-catching, stylish, and best of all – easy to make on your own.

Terrariums can be made out of any type of plants. However, we prefer native Australian succulents since they’re easy to find and are extremely low maintenance. All ingredients can be found for cheap in home goods stores or in nature.

I went to Sorrento Back Beach on the Mornington Peninsula, my favourite spot in Victoria, to gather all of the materials for my terrarium. I wanted it to serve as a little reminder of the place where I feel happiest and most at peace.

Within an hour, you too can make your own. Get your kids involved for this great green-thumbed activity and perk up your indoor space today.


What you will need: clear glass jar, various small succulents, spray water bottle, potting mix, small rocks or pebbles, gloves


Step 1. Pick the perfect glass and give it a good clean.

A glass jar might be lying around your house or at a nearby opp shop. The larger the mouth of the jar, the easier it will be for you to get your hands in it. Before you begin, clean your container to make sure it’s free of dirt and grime that may affect the life of your plants.


Step 2. Add a layer of rocks.

This serves as a drainage layer and allows water to seep down and get stored amongst the rocks instead of overloading the soil with too much moisture. Make sure your layer of pebbles is at least two centimetres high.


Step 3. Add the potting mix.

Place a layer of cactus mix soil, a fast draining soil that this very loose and porous and retains little moisture. Add enough to cover the plants’ roots and then pat it down to get rid of air bubbles.


Step 4. Dig small holes and insert your plants.

Use your fingers to dig holes large enough for the plants’ roots. Plant your larger plants first, then fill in spaces with the smaller ones.


Step 5. Decorate.

Use the same little pebbles to decorate your terrarium. Add a figurine or larger rocks for more contrast. Or add a layer of sand to give it a desert look.


Step 6. Give your plants a bit of water to help them settle into their new home.

Succulents are very hardy plants that don’t need much moisture. A few sprays is more than enough to keep your plants hydrated.


Step 7. Care for your terrarium and it will last you ages.

Allow your terrarium to absorb as much sunlight as possible. Place it near a window or somewhere where it will receive enough light. Lightly water it every two weeks. Enjoy!


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